Low Tech Medicine Trumps Higher Tech Website

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February 27, 2014

Fortunately, in the office practice of medicine, we rely on many low tech procedures — talking with patients, listening with our stethoscopes and running blood tests. When we move to more sophisticated functions, there is a greater likelihood of having technical difficulties – as with this website. For the past few weeks, we have been unable to send emails to notify you of new posts. After extensive investigation and no clearcut answers, it appears to be working again. Perhaps it’s the equivalent of my turning off my computer or phone when it’s not behaving, and miraculously turning it back on, to find that it is repaired!  It’s my go-to method for fixing all things technical – and usually works.

In case you’ve missed our posts, we have had a variety of new perspectives recently. One from a ‘real live patient’ with helpful hints about advocating for yourself and making the most of your medical appointments. There is one from a pediatrician about childhood cavities, how to prevent them, and why it is so important to do so. We have an article on bowel gas issues, complete with an adolescent reference and very helpful practical routine to improve symptoms. And health pearls in February from our own Thu Tran with new details about cancer and how to decrease your risk.

Coming up in March we have colon cancer screening in honor of colon cancer screening month (who knew?!), more about exercise, alcohol (spoiler alert – if some is good, more is NOT better), important adverse effects of gum chewing (it’s not only about the teeth!) and much more. We’re proud to say that many of our colleagues are excited about writing with us and getting reliable information coming your way so we’ll be able to bring you a broader range of info!

If you aren’t currently signed up to receive emails when there is a new post, please use our “Stay Informed” section to do so. But even if you ARE signed up, please check the site if you don’t hear from us. We plan to post 2 or 3 articles each week, even if we can’t send email notifications.

Thanks for traveling this wellness path with us. Keep your comments coming – either under each article which will appear on the website, or privately in the “Contact Us” area. Eat well and enjoy! If winter has been going on forever, can spring be far behind??
